Make-A-Wish have been amazing for us...
Thank you for visiting this page. Make-A-Wish Belgium has played a special role in our lives during a very difficult few years and we are really grateful for all the support they have given us. Since the moment the Make-A-Wish team visited our house in September 2019, the team have been incredibly caring, inspiring and determined to make Adam's wish come true, despite all the challenges of treatment and coronavirus. The impact this had on Adam and us was huge; it brought smiles to our faces, forged a closer bond with our friends and families, and created childhood experiences for Adam and his sister Erin that they will look back on fondly forever. Alongside granting his wish of a Marvel Superhero party with his friends, we also had a spectacular bookend to his first year in remission by appearing on Dancing With the Stars with Delphine and Sander (Click here to watch the video!).
...and now we want to give something back
Now that Adam has been successfully treated for leukaemia we want to give something back as a family and help other children who really need it, because we know first hand what a difference this makes. To celebrate Adam and our family's return to health, we are spending this summer training and running in a couple of triathlon events together. In June, Adam and Erin will do the IRONKIDS swim, bike, run in Luxembourg while mum and dad will do the Irongirl fun run and 70.3 race respectively. Then Adam is tackling the longer IRONKIDS events, including a swim in the Maas river in Maastrict in August with his dad also doing the longer course.
We would love to have your support!
Just by reading this far you've already made a difference! If you talk about the great work Make-A-Wish does, then collectively this can have a big impact. If you know an eligible child who needs help then please contact the organization. Similarly if you're really motivated, Make-A-Wish are always looking for volunteers to help.
Finally, if you'd like to donate, we can guarantee this will be put to great use.
Now, we're off to do some training :-)
Raised €250
Raised €500
Raised €1,000
Received first donation
Received 10 donations
Received 25 donations
Received 50 donations
Posted a blog update

Make-A-Wish® gelooft in de helende kracht van wensen. Daarom vervullen wij de hartenwens van kinderen tussen 3 en 18 jaar met een levensbedreigende medische aandoening om zo hen kracht te geven de strijd tegen de ziekte verder te zetten. Want als een kind kan geloven dat zijn wens uitkomt, dan kan het ook geloven dat hij beter wordt.